Rock Creek Map by River Rat Maps


Rock Creek Map (Hwy 38 Bridge to Clark Fork River) by River Rat Maps

1 in stock


Rock Creek Access Map (Hwy 38 Bridge to Clark Fork River) by River Rat Maps

This Rock Creek Map is a high quality, detailed river map printed on durable waterproof and tear proof, plastic of the Rock Creek in Montana from Hwy 38 Bridge to Clark Fork River.

River Rat Map Features:

  • River Mileage that has been ground truthed with GPS
  • Access Points for boats and walk-in
  • Access Descriptions like what type of boat ramp or walk-in, private, public, etc.
  • Diversion Dams (Info that’s critical to boating safety.)
  • GPS Coordinates
  • Rapids -location and descriptions and tips
  • Campgrounds
  • Popular Game Fish
  • Points of Interest both cultural and natural

Shop Staff Notes:  This is THE trustworthy map for floating or accessing the famous Rock Creek. Great to have one for pre-trip planning.  Also makes for a nice souvenir of your Rock Creek trip whether you were on a Guided Trips or were fishing on your own.

Need to Rent a Drift Boat or Raft or a other river equipment and gear for an upcoming Montana fly fishing trip?  We’ve got you covered. We have all the gear you need to have a memorable trip to Montana.

Other River Rat Maps available from CrossCurrents Fly Shop:  Smith River,  Missouri River below Holter,  Missouri River (Three Forks to Holter Lake),  Blackfoot River,  Beaverhead,  Bighorn,  Big Hole,  Bitterroot,  Clark Fork #1,  Clark Fork #2,  Alberton Gorge,  Jefferson,  Gallatin,  Madison,  Rock Creek,  Yellowstone #1,  Yellowstone #2,  NF of Flathead.

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