Hi-Vis CDC Trico Spinner
Size: #18, #20
Like it’s counter parts, the Rusty, PMD and Baetis Spinner, this Hi-Vis CDC Trico Spinner pattern is one amazing fly! It’s so much fun -but can be so frustrating -to fish a single dry fly to sipping trout during the Trico Spinner fall. This is a great fish fooling pattern that you can actually see! It has CDC wrapped around the post for amazingly lifelike look and “movement” and float ability and a light wrap of dry fly saddle hackle to help “support” the CDC and add a lot more durability to the fly. When you dunk this dude in our liquid Jet Fuel Floatant, you will have a dry fly that will perform superlatively well, be visible to you and be irresistible to the trout! (Don’t use “gel” type floatants on CDC flies -only our Jet Fuel or powders.) Our most popular size is #20 but we fish them in an #18 as well. (We also have this same fly pattern in Rusty, PMD and BWO colorations.) If you plan on fishing the Missouri River in the morning between July through September, then I would stock up on this pattern.
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