Aug 2019
August 24, 2019

There exists here in Craig a barter economy that forgoes cash or credit for a time-honored (and far more delicious) currency: beer. Beer is the currency on the market for everything from boat washes to fly exchanges. If I had a dollar for every six pack I’ve received for washing a boat, I could stop washing boats. I’ve seen guides huddle together on the banks with aluminum cans and fly pucks being passed around the circle like traders on the NYSE. One guide I know of carries even a few beers with him on the river at all times to secure factually accurate fly info from other guides. Not saying that you can’t get by with a loose 20 in your pocket, but to really get into the underground economy here you’d best have a cooler full of beer. Preferably (at least for us) one with Lewis & Clark Brewery’s Prickly Pear Pale Ale or the Single Malt IPA from the local Blackfoot Brewery.*
*If anyone from Lewis and Clark or Blackfoot Brewery reads this and has extra beer, our address is 311 Bridge St in Craig MT. Zip code, if you’re curious, is 59648.