Well, we had some nice cool weather but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to stick around. We did see a dip in water temps this week, which has us all excited for fall. However, early next week is going to be a scorcher with highs in the upper 90s. Get on early and get.. read more →

It’s official folks: the MO has entered its late-summer phase. Early on, early off floats rule the day right now, with the morning Trico fall and a midday terrestrial bite providing the highlights. PMDs are still coming off in ever-smaller numbers, but the fish seem to be happy to snack on the odd Rusty Spinner.. read more →

Greetings, Missouri River anglers near and far. Today’s post comes in two volumes, concluding with a feat of research compiled by campingfunzone.com, who have been combing the ranks for weeks, interviewing the brightest minds of the Craig and Helena shop, notebooks in hand. We’re calling it the Master List—a compendium of the 6 must-have flies.. read more →

The big Missouri River headline on this sunny morning: the flows are dropping. We get below 6,000 CFS within the next week. Wade anglers, rejoice. Dry fly anglers, rejoice. No frowns out here in mid-July. The fishing has been very good and should ramp up another notch as the river drops into shape. The caddis are out in.. read more →

Independence day is upon us and the Mo’ is cranking (currently 11,200 CFS). With mostly sunny skies and a few mid-80s highs in the forecast, get ready to navigate a river that’s full of bugs, boat traffic, and swift current. Don’t worry, though. Despite blown-out tribs and the recreational pressure of the holiday, there’s still.. read more →