02 Sep 2013
September 2, 2013

Little Man, Big Bow

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Jase, a future shop employee in training, started off the day with this behemoth Rainbow Trout. Him and the Bossman did a morning float from the Dam to Wolf Creek Bridge yesterday. This stretch of water still seems to hold the most trout these days. Tricos are still coming off heavy there and the classic.. read more →

With the official start of September we are looking forward to the potential of some cooler weather and better fishing conditions on The MO. It looks like we have a hot day or two left, but the longer forecast is showing a break in the heat. Expect some highs into the 70’s! Last night as.. read more →

William Brann, Wild Bill, Bag Limit Bill, One eye’ Bill, Billy Bass, Buffalo Bill, Billy Bear, Bill, Billy, or whatever you want to call him. Just know this guy seeks out the large ones. This fish should be for next weeks Hump Day Trout, but I couldn’t wait to get this slab of a brown.. read more →

It’s finally Friday! We have a big holiday weekend kicking off today which should send a lot of recreational floaters out to the Craig area. Usually this weekend marks the end of the Missouri River bikini hatch and the start of our late summer/fall fishing season. As the waxing and waining hatch of bikini sums.. read more →

Totally random post here but what is a man to do on a hot August day when fishing is a bit slower….Dream of Beer and maybe partake in a few, after work of course.   Here it is then, the top 10 Craig Montana Beers: 1. PBR – The designated beer of trout bums World.. read more →