Fishing Reports for the Missouri River Montana
February is now behind us and winter has made a return from the spring like weather we had about a week and a half ago. Think pink, pink, and more pink! Alexia and Ben floated Stickney to Prewett last Sunday and pink nymphs were the ticket. Keep targeting the slower deeper water and the inside.. read more →
WINTER FISHING. Really? How is that even possible? Aren’t you freezing? Isn’t the water frozen? Let me answer those questions and concerns and more. read more →
We’re almost through January and boy has this winter actually felt like winter! Even winter can’t stop us from getting out on the water and enjoying the time spent on it. There have been many days of single digits and teens, but we still manage to make it out on the water. Rods have broke,.. read more →
It’s that time of year when the days are shorter, the nights are longer, and the mercury has dropped to below freezing temps, while the sky is letting some snow fall to the ground. With the transition from Fall like weather to the now winter weather, many anglers on the MO are transitioning from traditional.. read more →
Fall is definitely here and the fishing has been outstanding! With firearm hunting seasons going on, the river feels like a ghost river most days, while a majority of people focus on chasing deer and elk in the woods. There are still people wading and floating the river, but the number of people is relatively.. read more →
With the arrival of Fall in Montana, the Missouri River is feeling the cooler temps at night, which is cranking the heat up on the fishing! There is excellent dry fly, nymph, and streamer fishing from Holter Dam all the way down to Cascade. read more →
The Missouri river is one of the only rivers in Montana that has remained largely unaffected by low water and high temperatures (at least in terms of fishing restrictions or fish kills).The rest of the state is feeling the effects of both of these detrimental conditions, read more →
The hatch we have all been waiting for is now in full effect! Tricos are popping in the early morning in great numbers, and the fish have started keying in on them as a primary food source. Some of the staff have used their off days to gain first hand knowledge of this season’s Trico.. read more →
Check out Teagan & Dorn’s Shide Shannel Shennanigans on our Facebook Page. A short video on what’s happening now on the MO. Missouri River Fly Fishing Report: There are rising trout up and down the river these days but cracking the code to get them to eat on top is not easy. But that’s the challenge.. read more →

Missouri River Fly Fishing Report: As temperatures begin to rise, so do the trout. Many fish are being caught all across the great state of Montana with dry flies. As usual the MO is the epicenter of dry fly action. This week has been the warmest of the year so far with daily temps reaching.. read more →