Fishing Reports for the Missouri River Montana
Cold and snowy out here today. Looks like that’s going to be our main deal for the week ahead, with air temps in the 30s and 40s. We are somehow still waiting for the big Baetis hatch. In the meantime, the fish are definitely eating those BWOs subsurface, and the streamer bite is pretty good.. read more →
Zugunruhe describes seasonal patterns of restless in migratory animals, especially birds. I can’t help but feel something of it myself as we all wait for fall weather to get things going. The fishing on the MO right now has hit a period of stasis. The dial is turned to “decent fishing with nymphs,” but we.. read more →
We proudly present: the current fishing report. Amidst a strange, strange year out here on the MO, we’d like to remind you of the virtue of patience. With sunny, warm weather ahead of us for the next week or so, it seems unlikely we will have a strong Blue Winged Olive hatch in the short.. read more →
Recipe For a Great Fall Day on the MO Prep work: Sleep in a touch, make a strong cup of coffee and load up on cooler weather gear. You’ll need rods for all facets of the game, so dust off your streamer rod, set up a dry fly stick, and have the ol’ bobber rig.. read more →
In his 1953 poem, “End of Summer,” Stanley Kunitz portrays a scene that feels a lot like fishing a canyon stretch on the Missouri in October. In the final stanza, he writes: Already the iron door of the north Clangs open: birds, leaves, snows Order their populations forth, And a cruel wind blows. Currently, instead.. read more →
September is officially here in Craig, bringing with it refreshingly chilly mornings and rejuvenated trout. Some serious-sized fish are out there snatching up streamers. The nymph bite/ boat hatch is in full effect up at the ol’ concrete river-blocking wall (the dam). The hopper bite continues throughout the whole corridor. It is a choose your.. read more →
My personal favorite thing about this time of year is the quiet weekdays. While the quality of the fishing might not always match up with peak season, the overall quality of experience on a slow day is great. It’s nice to have a quiet ramp and a big, wide river ahead of you with just.. read more →
Well, we had some nice cool weather but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to stick around. We did see a dip in water temps this week, which has us all excited for fall. However, early next week is going to be a scorcher with highs in the upper 90s. Get on early and get.. read more →
It’s official folks: the MO has entered its late-summer phase. Early on, early off floats rule the day right now, with the morning Trico fall and a midday terrestrial bite providing the highlights. PMDs are still coming off in ever-smaller numbers, but the fish seem to be happy to snack on the odd Rusty Spinner.. read more →
Greetings, Missouri River anglers near and far. Today’s post comes in two volumes, concluding with a feat of research compiled by, who have been combing the ranks for weeks, interviewing the brightest minds of the Craig and Helena shop, notebooks in hand. We’re calling it the Master List—a compendium of the 6 must-have flies.. read more →