Missouri River Montana: Fly Fishing and Floating

It’t time to finish up the coffee and hit the river. Good cloud cover and none of that nasty W stuff right now in Craig. Should be a great day of dry fly fishing on The MO today! read more →

It is a hot one today folks here on the Missouri River but the evening is yet to come.  The majority of the fishermen will be telling lies at Joe’s Bar by 6pm.  If you plan your day right and are prepared to stay till dark you can have some excellent dry fly fishing.  Pick your.. read more →

Tim Riley with a Missouri River Rainbow. Yellow Sallies all over the place down river. Free sunshine vitamin D in Craig today. We have less wind forecasted  for the next couple of days.  Get over to the Missouri River and fish it hard. read more →

Some mornings you drink a cup of coffee to wake up other mornings its like the fish are giving you a sign of good things to come. How was your coffee this morning? Get over to Craig and get your fish whistle wet before the crowds this weekend. It’s going to B A U Tiful.. read more →

  Yep, the PMD hatch is here on the Missouri River in numbers. Don’t forget to have all stages of the hatch in your fly box. Stop by the big Red Barn and we can help you with your PMD needs. read more →

Stop by the big red barn in Craig for the secret recipe. In honor of this Father’s Day weekend we ate the “dads”and the “dads” were tasty. Almost forgot, the fishing is pretty darn hot too. Get out here on the MO. read more →

If good is good, then what is great? That is the question most people have buzzing around in their head after a day on The MO this spring. It could quite possibly be the best day of fishing you have ever had in your life, but what is there to compare it to? With over.. read more →

Rain, cloud cover, BWO coming off heavy. Well maybe if we are lucky in Craig Montana. Report: The flows are now about 3,910 cfs (normally ~5250). Water temps at the dam are ~51, a bit warmer down river. Run Off is in the process and on the fall in some places. The Dearborn is dropping.. read more →

It’s been nice enough for an evening fire. Report: The flows are now about 3,970 cfs (normally ~4910). Water temps at the dam are ~50, a bit warmer down river. Run Off has started for real on almost every river but the Little Prickly Pear. The Dearborn is getting muddy(dropping now) but the MO below.. read more →

Report: The flows are now about 3,800 cfs (normally ~4940). Water temps at the dam are ~50, a bit warmer down river. Run Off has started for real on almost every river but the Little Prickly Pear. The Dearborn is getting muddy(dropping now) but the MO below there is fishing just fine. With higher water.. read more →