The Little Green Machine and a Taylor Todd, how do you replace these two guys? The Green Machine seems to fly out of a fly shop as soon as it is stocked on the shelf and thats if your fly shop can even get them. Or more likely your local guide is buying all 6 dozen the shop stocks on the shelf so that he or she is the only guide on the river with a good supply of Green Machines. Buy a Mirage Nymph instead. The big red barn always has them and they work just as good, trust me. Then there is Taylor Todd, a dangerous thing he is doing. Venturing into steelhead waters mid trout season for a wedding he says. Hey Taylor, the shop is missing a two hander? He may never come back.
The river is fishing ok. Plenty of people doing good down stream of Craig. Yes of course it is nymphing good up at the dam. We are heading into a weekend that should be a little less crowded, finally. If I get out this weekend I’m heading down, way down, just saying.
Taylor I better see a steelhead picture soon or we are going to put that rod on your account.