Jul 2019
July 1, 2019
The MO has been nothing short of stellar. Lots of fish. Lots of large fish. It’s the best game we get to play all year: hunting big, smart fish in shallow, clear water.
You’re definitely going to want to bring your “A” game out here for the rising fish. Dust off your reach casts or swing by the shop for some helpful pointers. The bugs have continued to emerge. PMDs are still steady in the morning and afternoon. The caddis hatch in the evening is pretty spectacular. Longer leaders are key to getting the wiser trout to eat a fly. Effective patterns up top include the great Rusty Spinner in 16-20, D&D Cripples in the same sizes, and Sprout PMD emergers in 18-20. It’s always helpful to carry bugs that match different phases of the PMD life cycle. Emergers are excellent for fish that are rising just under the surface.
Nymphers continue to put plenty of trout in the net as well. Shallow up those rigs and dead-drift your bugs through riffles and runs. With warmer water temperatures (58.5 degrees Fahrenheit this morning) the fish are in their summer lies. There’s a lot of effective bugs subsurface right now. Frenchies, Military Mays, Two-Bit Hookers and Psycho Mays all get the nod for fishing shallow. Throw ’em in sizes 14-18.
Lots of great reasons to come out and fish here for the next few weeks. We’re open 7-7 with free coffee and the best customer service on the river!

The MO is also a great trophy whitefish destination.