Hi-Vis CDC BWO Spinner
Size: #16, #18, #20
The Hi-Viz CDC BWO Spinner is a fantastic dry fly during our Spring or Fall BWO (aka Blue Winged Olive, aka Baetis) hatch. We can typically use the Rusty Spinner throughout most of the year, but we switch to these gems during the Baetis hatch (starting in mid to late April through mid June and again in late September until early November) because they can be more effective when those trout get picky on the color. We also sometimes use these during the emergence as a “knock-down dun.” The Hi-Viz CDC BWO Spinner has CDC wrapped around the post for amazingly lifelike look and “movement” and float ability and a light wrap of dry fly saddle hackle to help “support” the CDC and add a lot more durability to the fly. When you dunk this dude in our liquid Jet Fuel Floatant, you will have a dry fly that will perform superlatively well, be visible to you and be irresistible to the trout! (Don’t use “gel” type floatants on CDC flies -only our Jet Fuel or powders.) Our most popular size is #18 but we fish them from #16 to #20. (We also have this same fly pattern in Rusty, Trico and PMD colorations.)
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