WINTER FISHING. Really? How is that even possible? Aren’t you freezing? Isn’t the water frozen? Let me answer those questions and concerns and more. read more →
Fall is definitely here and the fishing has been outstanding! With firearm hunting seasons going on, the river feels like a ghost river most days, while a majority of people focus on chasing deer and elk in the woods. There are still people wading and floating the river, but the number of people is relatively.. read more →
This is something I wrote back in 2013, I’ve been asked to repost it, so here it is, just as I wrote it back then: “Just getting back from an annual fly fishing trip with my dad, I find a note my father left me tucked away where he knew I would eventually find it… read more →
Check out Teagan & Dorn’s Shide Shannel Shennanigans on our Facebook Page. A short video on what’s happening now on the MO. Missouri River Fly Fishing Report: There are rising trout up and down the river these days but cracking the code to get them to eat on top is not easy. But that’s the challenge.. read more →

Welcome to your Missouri River Fishing Report from Craig, Montana Flows below Holter Dam: 6810 CFS (median 6450) // Water Temp: about 51F The rains are back in #CraigAmerica! True to form, this spring has been totally crazy weather-wise here in Montana. Last week we had amazing 75 degree temps with blue bird sunny skies and now we’re back down to 60 degrees with.. read more →

Missouri River Fishing Report for 05.22.16 Flows below Holter Dam: 5680 CFS (“normally” 5700). Water temp about 51F Fishing continues to be solid this second half of May! The nymphing can be good to downright silly at times. There are enough noses up now to keep the attention of the DFO guys but as, usual, some.. read more →
Flows below Holter Dam: 3750 CFS (normally 4850). Water temp about 42F First off, both shops are off and running for the 2016 season! Our Craig store opened officially for the season last week. Please stop by for shuttles, flies, gear or to gab over a cup of free coffee. Ben is our main man in.. read more →
It’s that time of year again; hunters have taken to the hills, the ambitiously lethargic have returned to their recliners for the remainder of the year and the Salmo trutta are getting feisty. Arguably one of the more voracious fresh water salmonids the fall Brown Trout feeding frenzy is kicking off. The frenzy comes from the.. read more →
If you’ve been swinging by the shop or spending your afternoons around the Blackfoot Brewery over the last two months you’ve probably heard me bitching whining about my lack of motorized transportation. The good news is the Subaru is back on the road and I’m mobile again! After eight arduous weeks of fly fishing booty.. read more →
June 10, 2015 – Missouri River Report Description: Flows Below Holter Dam: 6,000 CFS (Normally 7,600 CFS) Well, the late May/early June lull is back. Around this time every year the MO experiences a lack of surface action because the water temps put us “between hatches”. There are still plenty of fish to be caught.. read more →