June 10, 2015 – Missouri River Report Description: Flows Below Holter Dam: 6,000 CFS (Normally 7,600 CFS) Well, the late May/early June lull is back.  Around this time every year the MO experiences a lack of surface action because the water temps put us “between hatches”.  There are still plenty of fish to be caught.. read more →

Flows this morning are at 3,640 cfs. Water temps at 65. The air temperature should hit 70+/- today with an overnight low of 51.  These lower temperatures are a long time coming.  Lets hope it brings that water temp down a bit.  This should extend the hatches in the morning and allow this river to.. read more →

Report: The flows are now about 4,070 cfs (normally ~5170). Water temps at the dam are ~45, a bit warmer down river. May is here, water temperatures are on the rise and the hatches should be steadily increasing. Lots of Baetis out and you will find fish on them but it’s difficult when the wind.. read more →