Beckie from 107.3 The Mighty MO fighting a fish on The Mighty MO. Where is the water? We could use a little. We really are going to need it come a month from now. Flows at Holter Dam are at an even 3,000 cfs this morning. Up a little bit from 2,900 a few days.. read more →

The flows on The Smith continue to drop at a steady pace making for improving fishing conditions. Below Eagle Creek the flows are at 561 cfs with a water temp of 58. In the lower river at Eden Bridge the flows are at 889 cfs. The river is looking great for floating. read more →

“Where are your Waterwisp flies?” “A water what?” “You know those flies with the hackle tied on the bend of the hook…” read more →

  The Smith jumped up last week due to all the rain. It’s now on the drop and starting to clear. Flows at the top end are at 702 cfs this morning and 1280 cfs down at Eden Bridge. Most of the snowpack has melted so we are going to rely on the rain to.. read more →

The new guy Tyler with a healthy bow after his first day of work. Welcome to Craig! read more →

Busy morning in the big red barn.  Get out here on this Monday if you have it off. read more →

Report: 4,280 CFS of 54 degree water is trickling out of Holter Dam today. It’s been busy out there at the boat launches with all the holiday weekend traffic. Most campsites are full and the river is filling up with boats. Most of that should die down tomorrow as the weekend warriors pack up their.. read more →

  Ruby says its a great day to fly fish, despite the look, she was tired of waiting on her owner. Report: The flows are now about 4260 cfs (normally ~6300).  Water temps at the dam are ~52.  May is almost gone but the fishing has held strong.  Lots of BWO action for those that.. read more →

  2013 Caddis Festival was a success! The festivities are over and I feel like the whole town of Craig is in recovery, the rain is washing her clean and boats are headed out. read more →

Remember those days? I think we are done with that stuff. Report: The flows are now about 4200 cfs (normally ~4760). Water temps at the dam are ~45, a bit warmer down river. BWO are showing up in better numbers, fish are starting to see them more often now and fishermen are starting to catch.. read more →