The dry fly fishing has continued its upward trajectory! For whatever reason, it seems we’ve found a lot of brown trout in the net recently-not that we’re complaining. We are praying the flows stay low enough for us to get in more casts at rising fish before higher water shows up. It is.. read more →

SUMMER is in full swing here in Craig and its certainly feeling like it. Our flows have finally decreased to semi-normal flows at around 5000 CFS, opening up plenty of wade fishing opportunities throughout the entire stretch. The weather has been HOT and DRY for the most part.  We have seen very little rain in.. read more →

Missouri River Fishing Report:  It’s Spring on a high snow pack year so the MO is flowing heavy -more than twice the normal CFS.  It’s at 12,400 cfs today when “normally” (whatever that means these days) it’s at 5,500. They (the Dam people) are calling for 12,900 by this weekend.  The water out of the.. read more →

The MO continues to fish extremely well this Spring. The last couple weeks have seen pretty steady flows in the mid 6000s the cfs and our water temp is slowly climbing, but the stairs are pretty steep right now. Floating the river is the most ideal way to fish the MO right now, but wade.. read more →

Why you should consider getting a boat bag, even if you don’t have a boat. If you think of a boat bag as more of a gear bag, this might just make sense. I describe my boat bag as more of a portable fly shop. Even if I am just going to some small stream.. read more →

It’s mid March, that time of year when we could have mid 50’s and sunny one day, then 34 degrees and snow the next. The fish don’t seem to mind though, they are very willingly eating nymphs and streamers; plus when the conditions are right, they are targeting midges on the surface. The water temp.. read more →

Missouri River Fishing Report for late January 2018.  What a crazy month (as they all tend to be). Starting off with some serious winter weather and much needed snow. Then a couple of significant “January Thaws” as Aldo Leopold used to write about so eloquently.  Those thaws (which we are just getting out of one.. read more →

We started November with lots of snow and single digits and now we started December is much milder weather!  It’s Montana mind you so the weather doesn’t really need to make any sense -you just need to be prepared for any and all of it, every month of the year. The MO is shifting into.. read more →

It appears that Fall is finally upon us, and with that, it means sometimes winter like weather. For most of us that live on the water, we love this time of year because of a couple reasons; less people on the river and some really really great fishing! But how do you make it more.. read more →

Late September has brought cooler temperatures, precipitation and great fishing. The near forecast is looking like great weather with highs in the 70’s for the next 3-4 days and very low wind. Expect sunny days and nymphing or streamer fishing until evening or if we see some cloud cover. Water temperature has dropped dramatically over.. read more →