It’s that time of year–Christmas. It’s a time for Hope, Joy and Peace. And, also Giving! I’m in the type of business that needs everyone to Buy, Buy, Buy so we can Work, Eat and Sleep. I always struggle this time of year with the incessant commercialization of Christmas. Don’t get me wrong, I love.. read more →

A smiling native from the other side of the divide! read more →

Flows have been remaining steady above 4K for quite some time, just above our long time average. Our water temps are also looking good in the mid 60’s at Holter Dam. Not to bad for the middle of August. FIshing has been good with Trico’s in the AM and hoppers in the PM. A little.. read more →

It was a great float on Montana’s Missouri River last weekend for The Todd family. All four Todd’s were able to get some trout in the net, some were even on dries. However, what we learned had nothing to do with how to actually catch trout. Well, maybe it has to do with how to.. read more →

Fishing out on the Missouri continues to be very productive, if you know how to get the moss off you’re fly in a hurry. The mornings are definitely more productive than the evenings with massive Trico spinner falls happening daily around 8:30 or 9:00 am. Last evening CrossCurrents Owner Chris Strainer went out and caught.. read more →

On the Missouri River the most sought after fish is obviously trout. But when living in Craig and fishing nearly every single day a fly fisherman may like to get out of the normal swing of things and try his or her hand at something new. The big black shadows that are found smoothly gliding.. read more →

As fly fisherman we have a few common goals when fishing, and one of these goals is not usually to put dinner on the table. Although, occasionally a walleye finds itself securely attached to the end of ones tippet and it is very difficult to send that tasty morsel back to the depths of the river… read more →

  We are enjoying the dry fly fishing during the heart of Trico season on Montana’s Missouri River. Lot’s of bugs out on a daily basis. Get out early and catch the spinner fall, it can be fantastic fishing. These photos are fresh through the lens  from this mornings hatch. Photos by Will Darby. read more →

23 Jul 2014
July 23, 2014

Just A Scenery Post

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  Some nice scenery out on The Dearborn River. CrossCurrents Staff took a short trip to poke around some other waters and wound up having a great evening out on this magnificent river!   Tight Lines read more →

  Things are finally starting to heat up on the small streams all around the Helena and Craig area. When the fishing slows down here on the MO, our CrossCurrents Fly Shop employees often head towards the smaller streams this region has to offer. Fishing size 16-20 dry flies on the Missouri all season can.. read more →