As of this morning the flows at Holter Dam are at 3,180 cfs and the temps are 59. The weather is trending warmer as we head into the middle of the week. Skies will be partly cloudy with the possibility of a rain shower this evening. Its warm enough to sport the shorts and sandals.. read more →
Some mornings you drink a cup of coffee to wake up other mornings its like the fish are giving you a sign of good things to come. How was your coffee this morning? Get over to Craig and get your fish whistle wet before the crowds this weekend. It’s going to B A U Tiful.. read more →
As we settle into the longest evening of the year the flows on The Missouri River are at 3,280 cfs and remaining steady. The weather is looking good as we head into the weekend. Chance of a thunderstorm or two with highs in the high 60’s and 70’s. The W is forecasted to be pretty.. read more →
Stop by the big red barn in Craig for the secret recipe. In honor of this Father’s Day weekend we ate the “dads”and the “dads” were tasty. Almost forgot, the fishing is pretty darn hot too. Get out here on the MO. read more →
Beckie from 107.3 The Mighty MO fighting a fish on The Mighty MO. Where is the water? We could use a little. We really are going to need it come a month from now. Flows at Holter Dam are at an even 3,000 cfs this morning. Up a little bit from 2,900 a few days.. read more →
Holter Dam is the talk of the town this week. Rumor has it that the flows will reach near 3000 cfs in the next few days. Currently the flow is at 3,600 cfs and the temps are at 54 degrees. The water is looking low and clear, but the fishing has remained good to excellent… read more →
Nothing better than a beautiful woman holding a trout to get over that hump and onto the downward slide into the weekend! read more →
If good is good, then what is great? That is the question most people have buzzing around in their head after a day on The MO this spring. It could quite possibly be the best day of fishing you have ever had in your life, but what is there to compare it to? With over.. read more →