It’s a feeling unlike any other. While difficult to explain to the unknowing, the tug and run of a broad-backed buck rainbow is a feeling that one will soon not forget, and after a trying maiden voyage on the Mo, Josh and crew were determined to step back into the ring. The line tightened.. read more →
With this warmer weather and nearby schools closing in on summer break, weekends in craig have started to produce some larger crowds and the possibility of the famous Missouri river bikini hatch. While many of the women that come through Craig are only here to bath in the sun and enjoy the water, there are.. read more →
Things are picking up as we head into the summer season so the guys in Craig are opening up the shop from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. We are here 12 hours a day 7 days a week to help everybody with any of their Missouri River needs. Stop by the shop on Bridge.. read more →
Flows this morning at Holter Dam are 8,980 cfs. Water temps are rising into the upper 40’s. The sunny weather yesterday seemed to slow fishing up. Some more bright skies this morning, but clouds are in the forecast for later today and the rest of the week. Overall fishing has gotten better as we.. read more →
The Missouri River has been producing some nice fish over the past few days. Lots of brown trout in the mix, but it seems the rainbows are starting to come back from “vacation” to please the angling crowd on the river. Still lot’s of fish on redd’s in the main stem so please use caution.. read more →
A little taste of a Missouri River rainbow trout to get you through the work week. This big ol’ fish took a worm fished deep along a nice soft inside seem down in the canyon section. read more →
Sunday! SUNday! SUNDAY! (in monster truck announcer voice) Cold rain and hot coffee this morning. We received a significant shower overnight but the sun is currently out and it should be a nice day. Forecast: hi 62, low 39. Precip: 60% Wind: WNW@ 13mph. The flow out of Holter Dam is 8430cfs. Water temps are.. read more →
Flows on The Mo are remaining steady around the mid 8K range with water temps creeping up as we head into the rest of spring. This morning we are looking at 45 degrees up at Holter. Lots of boats out today as most other rivers in the state are having a little extra water. We.. read more →
Mid-April on the Missouri Bill and Ed here sipping some JOE on this wonderful morning here in Craig, Montana, the birds are out and the trout are eating. The flow out of the Holter Dam is at 7,240 cfs with the water temperature hovering around 41 degrees. Today’s high will be 59 F and wind coming.. read more →