Missouri River Fly Fishing Report “Bro, ’!” Current Flows: 4,400 Weather Forecast: Saturday — Sunny, Low 80s Sunday — Sunny, High 70s Hatch Report: PMD, Caddis The Missouri River’s bug activity has dramatically increased. Last Sunday, I floated the canyon and there were caddis constantly hatching from mid morning all the way to early afternoon. Flows are stabilizing and.. read more →
Tricos are hatching in full force and the fish are gorging! You want to hit the water early in the morning before the water warms up and look for big pods of fish sipping on spinners or before the divers come equipped with the best scuba diving masks, they can find online. Late afternoon to late.. read more →
Summer has arrived and with it, lots and lots of aqua. We saw an increase from 11,000 CFS to 16,500 in a matter of a couple of days. As you could guess this created some chocolate milk flavored water to pour into the Missouri via its tributaries, particularly the Dearborn, which was throwing in a.. read more →

Missouri River Fly Fishing Report: As temperatures begin to rise, so do the trout. Many fish are being caught all across the great state of Montana with dry flies. As usual the MO is the epicenter of dry fly action. This week has been the warmest of the year so far with daily temps reaching.. read more →
The Missouri River is fishing swell these days. PMDs, PMDs, PMDs and oh Caddis. We might of even seen a few of those pesky flies called Tricos down river a ways? Seems a bit early but hey the water temps are getting up there and the water is staying low so not a huge surprise. If.. read more →
As of this morning the flows at Holter Dam are at 3,180 cfs and the temps are 59. The weather is trending warmer as we head into the middle of the week. Skies will be partly cloudy with the possibility of a rain shower this evening. Its warm enough to sport the shorts and sandals.. read more →
Some mornings you drink a cup of coffee to wake up other mornings its like the fish are giving you a sign of good things to come. How was your coffee this morning? Get over to Craig and get your fish whistle wet before the crowds this weekend. It’s going to B A U Tiful.. read more →
Yep, the PMD hatch is here on the Missouri River in numbers. Don’t forget to have all stages of the hatch in your fly box. Stop by the big Red Barn and we can help you with your PMD needs. read more →